Ansdell Primary School

Explore, Endeavour, Embrace, Excel

Reception Goodall Class

Welcome to Jane Goodall Class (Reception)

Reception Class is taught by Mrs Greenaway and is supported by Mrs Fowler, Miss Fewings, Miss Lynch and Mrs Harrison. 

Welcome to our classroom...





 Starting Reception...

The children have settled well into school life. They have explored their new classroom, made new friends and showed an amazing attitude towards their learning. The children fully enjoyed learning about their class explorer, Jane Goodall! In Phonics, the children started segmenting and blending CV and CVC words! In Maths, they learnt to compare, sort and match amounts and learnt all about numbers 0 and 1. PE was focused around the story, 'Elmer' and the children liked showing me how they can move like an elephant. They looked at Autumn and Harvest and completed lots of activities linked to the stories 'Leaf Man' and 'The Little Red Hen'! 

Check out our Twitter page to see photos of what we get up to! 



 Christmas Nativity Songs 2023


How many people are in this Inn?

Counting Sheep

 A Long Way To Go!

Christmas Counts For Everyone!

One Baby...

One, Two, Three Camels

Who Can Count The Angels

Counting For Caesar!